- The Stock Exchange Building [1894, demolished]
- Condict Building, New York [1898]
- St. Nicholas Hotel [1893, demolished]
- Schiller Building/later Garrick Theater [1892, demolished]..

The Chicago Stock Exchange Building..
Marker reads..
As architects working in a city known for it's skyscrapers, Adler & Sullivan received few commissions to actually design them. One of the few was the Chicago Stock Exchange, which arrived from the previous client Ferdinand Peck, the developer of the Auditorium Building.. Not as delicate and lyrical as the upwardly springling Wainwright Building in St. Louis, the Chicago Stock Exchange Building was hunkered down on the corner and was "all Business" with it's taut and extensive terra cotta skin.

Condict Building, New York [1899]..
Louis Sullivan's only New York skyscraper, the Condict Building..
Behold the angels with outstretched wings..

Schiller Building/later Garrick Theater [1892, demolished]..
Check out the fragments from the Schiller Building..

The interior of Schiller Building's theater included stenciled decorations that were complex in form and color, giving the flat wall surfaces the effect of rhythm and depth. The colors and patterns were created by Sullivan's friend and decorative collaborator Louis J. Millet..

A reflection of Sullivan's favourite pastime, the cultivation of roses at his winter home in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.. at Schiller Building..

St. Nicholas Hotel [1893, demolished].. ..
The decorative terracotta panels of the St. Nicholas Hotel bay windows had geometric motifs that appeared almost as giant snowflakes suspended in the air.
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