Thursday, August 25, 2011

Old St. Patrick's Church

Old St. Patrick's Church..
Completed: 1856
Architects: Two of Chicago’s earliest practicing architects Augustus Bauer and Asher Carter..
Location: 700 West Adams Street..
Chicago, IL 60661..

Founded by Irish immigrants in 1846, Old St. Patrck's is the first English-speaking parish in the city. It is one of the few buildings to survive the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Its survival makes it the oldest public building in the City of Chicago.
Today, Old St. Patrick's is known for hosting an annual summer block party, which it said to be the "world's largest" [very controversial claim]..

Stained Glass Windows..
It's website informs [click here]..
Inspired by the Celtic art exhibit at the Columbian Exposition of 1893 and the Book of Kells in Ireland, Thomas A. O’Shaughnessy designed, constructed, and personally installed the 15 beautiful stained-glass windows of Old St. Patrick’s between 1912 and 1922. The 12 side windows were inspired by the Celtic designs of Ireland's Book of Kells. The final triptych windows, done in an art nouveau style and installed in the eastern facade of the church, are the “Faith, Hope & Charity” windows, also known as the Terrence MacSwiney Memorial Triptych. In 1977, Old St. Patrick's was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Terrence MacSwiney Memorial Triptych..
“Faith, Hope & Charity” windows - by Thomas A. O’Shaughnessy..

"Hope" stained glass window, by Thomas A. O’Shaughnessy.. Below are some details of this beautiful art nouveau style window..

Old St. Patrick's Church..

Just across the road from the church is the Heritage Green Park. It has this sculpture "Grainne", by Maurice Harron..

"Grainne", by Maurice Harron..
A Gift from the City of Galway, Ireland; to the Sister City of Chicago..


Anonymous said...

is daily Mass celebrated there?

r m kraus/akron

Jyoti said...

No sure, but I think so...

Jon Pahl said...

Lovely images. May I please have permission to use (with attribution) your pics of the Hope Window at Old St. Pat's in an educational powerpoint I'm doing? Thanks! Jon Pahl, Ph.D., United Lutheran Seminary, Philadelphia/Gettysburg

Anonymous said...

I feel off about any RC parish that doesnt have a crucifix front and center. Very strange.

Anonymous said...

I'm searching for photos of the side windows in this church by O'Shaughnessy. Surprised I am not finding decent individual photos of them. Was there for a baptism about 5 years ago, first time, had barely heard of the place, and was there early. So started wandering and taking photos. Was particularly captivated by the window depicting saint Colman. He was a local hero in the Clare Galway area where glass maker Gus O'Shaughnessy grew up and came from.