Biograph Theater
Address: 2433-43 N. Lincoln Ave.
Year Built: 1914
Architect: Samuel N. Crowen
Date Designated a Chicago Landmark: March 28, 2001 ..
The Biograph Theater is also one of Chicago's oldest remaining neighborhood movie houses. It was designed in 1914 by Samuel N. Crowen, an architect known for his classically detailed designs. The Biograph Theater possesses many of the distinguishing characteristics of the earliest movie houses, including a simple storefront-width lobby, recessed entrance, free-standing ticket booth, and canopy marquee. The building is finished with red pressed brick and white-glazed terra cotta, and its construction typifies the first-generation movie houses whose architectural style gave legitimacy and respectability to the fledgling motion picture industry ...
Perhaps best known for its historical connection to the infamous gangster John Dillinger, who was killed here by the FBI.
RED: Chicago Landmarks: Biograph Theater ... click here ...

1 comment:
Grew up in Chicago ~ Clybourn and Armitage. Haunted many of your landmarks as a wandering young child. I have always loved the fact that Chicago has so many small unknown places and spaces. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. By the way, my children have instructions that upon my death they are to put my ashes in a brown lunch bag and start out at 1823 Clybourn walk north to Willow Street ~ head east towards the lake ~ wind down until they get to Menominee Street ~ keep going east ~ go to Lincoln Park Zoo ~ then proceed to the bridge and eventually wind up at the lake ~ when there - buy lunch at the concession stand and enjoy some of the wonderful times my siblings had & I. Now that is what I call "A Plan". By the way my email is womanborn46@yahoo.com if you'd like to tap my memory.
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