Tomb of Dr Manuel
Graceland Cemetery ..
Dr. Christopher D. Manuel [1964-2005]
Anesthesiologist at Rush University Medical Center..
Words inscribed on the stone ..
For all we know
this may only be a dream
We come and go like ripples on a stream
For all we know
tomorrow may never come
For all we know
The stone reads, "In Memory of our Beautiful and Beloved Son Christopher"..

# Graceland Cemetery..
# Rosehill Cemetery..
I was close friends with Dr. Christopher Manuel. It seems like yesterday that he left us. His tomb is a beautiful tribute to a man who was brilliant, kind, and compassionate. Thank you for posting these beautiful photos.
Thank you. Chris was my younger brother. I was searching just for some information to give my eldest daughter, and had no idea that I would find this. His mom Linda would be so proud. She was so dedicated to creating the most beautiful resting place for her child. She now lies beside him, having passed away almost 2 years to the week that we lost Chris. Bless you for sharing this. I will tell Chris about it in my daily 'talks' with him.
Thank You for writing. It's a beautiful resting place.
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