Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cityscape: Winter

Image taken: Feb 7, 2011..
Location: Museum Campus..

Image taken: Feb 2, 2011..
Blizzard 2011! My neighborhood - Hassell Road..

Image taken: Jan 12, 2009..
Location: Museum Campus - Adler Planetarium Plaza..

Image taken: Feb 6, 2008..
Location: Ice Rink, Millennium Park..

Image taken: Feb 15, 2007..
Location: Museum Campus - Adler Planetarium Plaza..

Image taken: Feb 15, 2007..
Location: Museum Campus - Field Museum..

Image taken: Dec 3, 2006...
Location: My neighborhood...


Terry said...

Jyoti you make Chicago look as good as it feels! Regardless the weather outside!
Hey we will be installing this Saturday the 21st at Bridgeport Art Center. Stop by if you can

Anonymous said...

i like this plz conatact me at and give your email id help me plz i can approve my adsense account in your blog plz help me

Siti Narain said...

nicce picture...<3