Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tribune Tower : Hall of Inscriptions and Aesop's Stone Screen

Hall of Inscriptions..
The soaring entrance area is known as the Hall of Inscriptions. Carved into the walls are famous quotaions expressive of ideals and obligations of the press. These record the spoken words of leaders like Votaire, Benjamin Franklin, Milton.. The Nathan Hale lobby has words of Abraham Lincoln, Arthur Miller and Thurgood Marshall..

On the walls are inscribed words by famous leaders ..
Give me liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely accoring to my conscience, above all other liberties.. - Milton..

I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.. - Voltaire..

Aesop's Stone Screen..
By Rene Paul Chambellan
The three-story arched entrance is so overlooked. Over the doorway of the main lobby is this carved stone screen. It bears symbolic imagery of Aesop's fables. One can see cartouches surrounded by animals, acanthus leaves, scrolls and ribbons..

Crow and the pitcher..

Wolf and the crane..

Fox and the sour grapes..

# Tribune Tower


  1. This building is amazing. What is the quote on the floor at the entrance (on the right)? I can't remember it or who said it...but it is a very moving quote about the importance of architecture (buildings that last beyond our years...)???

  2. Thank you for a wonderful article, Jyoti!

    I've linked to your post to illustrate a point about the possible depiction of myths in the ancient temple of Preah Khan in Angkor, Cambodia.
