Tuesday, September 6, 2011

City Hall - Sculptural Reliefs..

City Hall-County Bldg.
City Hall-County Building is actually one building which serves two purposes. The City Hall occupies the west half of the building and the County Building occupies the east half is the building. Correspondingly there are two entrances..

West Entrance or City Hall Entrance..
This post is about the relief sculptures on the City Hall entrance. There are four relief panels sculpted in granite by John Flanagan.. Each of the panels represents one of four principal concerns of city government: city playgrounds, public schools, the park system, and water supply system...

# City Hall-County Building ..
# City Hall-County Building - interiors..
# City Hall - Sculptural reliefs..
# County Building - Sculptural Reliefs..
# Y-symbol in City Hall-County Building..


  1. Great series. Did you have to get permission from security? FYI the brass panels under the arch with the seal are views of prior Cook County courthouses also on this site. Also, another interesting interior feature is a statue of Washington up on the 5th floor which I waymarked here: Washington Statue waymark

  2. Thanks adgorn..
    About permissions - NO! Let me say that earlier, I had taken permission and for what I know, photography is allowed in the corridors, but NOT of any security equipments..

    Thanks for writing about the brass panels below the seal arches... There are two sets..
    One has four buildings
    One has two buildings..
    Which one is earlier courthouses? And what's the other one?

    I have yet to photograph the Washington Statue. I keep wondering if photography is allowed, and never ventured to the 5th floor. Maybe i should..

  3. Actually I stand corrected. Your photos are in the City Hall side so these must be engravings of prior City Halls, not necessarily on this site. If you enter the County Bldg off Clark and turn right I think you will see similar panels labelled as the prior courthouses of 1835, 1853, 1858 (where Lincoln's body was brought for viewing after his assassination) and 1870 (a renovation/expansion of the 1858 building.) I have pictures of this panel. Of course the 1870 building burned down the next year. FYI there are a few fragments of it remaining in Evanston and Elmhurst.

  4. Adgorn..
    If you enetr from the City hall side.. there are two sets of bronze plaques on each side of the corridor..
    One set has buildings and below are years [1837, 1848, 1853, 1872]. What bldgs are these?

    Another set has two bldgs.
    with years 1885 & 1911..
    I assume these are Earlier City Hall and the current one [this bldg.]...

    I am not even aware of such bronze plaques, when we enter from Cook County side..
    I need to go again now..
